It started with a passion and a dream to create a place which connects business to Quality Electronic Components with fastest deliveries. Team of Professionals with same passion and more than 15 years of experience , market knowledge and background partnered and DesiVikreta came to Life, a fastest-growing Authorised and Independent distributor of semiconductors and electronic components with an extensive global network of suppliers, engineers and manufacturers.

We are a Customer Application Specific Product & Solutions (CASPS) company offering innovative solutions, ranging across Intellectual Property (IP) cores, Design & Development, -System Design & Prototype Development, Next-Gen Digital products, Integrated solutions, Low Volume Manufacturing and Semiconductor solutions.

With our Distribution Model we are resolving supply chain imbalances and keeping businesses on track. Whether solving for fluctuating pricing or lengthy lead times, DesiVikreta is offering every solution to its clients and their business pivot and react to changes quickly.

We are guiding innovation forward for leading technology manufacturers and service providers. We are known for our Strong Relationships, Responsive Service and Added Value. For us customer satisfaction is paramount, thus we have defined our customer interaction in a way that our customers will get answers to their every query quickly and with details since very beginning of their interaction with our representatives, this makes their experience Happy and Healthy.

We strive to offer a constant stream of innovative products to help our clients increase profitability, improve productivity and grow their business.

Our Vision

We distinguish ourselves by providing specialized services and expertise across the product life cycle. We seek to provide our suppliers and customers with solutions designed to help them produce products that are inherently more sustainable.

Our Mission

We strives to nurture and grow a diverse and inclusive environment that encourages an open exchange of ideas, where each individual is valued and enabled to reach his or her potential. We firmly believe that embracing and learning from individual differences is a strength that will give DesiVikreta a sustained, competitive advantage with customers and suppliers, and enable innovation for DesiVikreta’s continued success.